Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Living in the Dark

Alright I'm back. Monday was your typical day out here. More snow, cold weather, and wind. If it sounds like I'm complaining, I'm actually not. I found myself wishing for more snow. Go figure. It was too cold in the hotel to paint, so Jeff and I got some work done in the shop. I had the lovely job of sanding down barstools, which turns out to be worse than painting, actually. I never would have thought that. Anyway, I sanded and Jeff cut some boards up and stained them, and then he cleaned the shop. We headed home to eat some grub and watch some football. I studied for the GRE, and the 49er's won the game. Way to go! Maybe one of our teams will actually make it to playoffs.

Tuesday, it warmed up quite a bit. It was the first day over freezing (one degree over freezing to be exact) in a couple of weeks. The power was out in the morning for a few hours, so Jeff and I got out our books. Did I mention I'm reading The Shining? I am almost to where it starts to get scary. Once the electric came back on, we ate lunch and headed over to work. We had to climb various snow drifts to get to the hotel. By the way, walking in deep snow really makes me feel out of shape. We are now brave enough to cut the corner on the lake, so that is a bit of a shortcut. I spent the afternoon painting while Jeff fixed cracks and did man stuff. We got home from work, feasted on some pesto pasta, and watched some TV.

Today, Jeff is over at the hotel working. He only has to put in four hours, so that's not too bad. It is a sweltering 35 degrees today! However, the usual gray skies are here. I'm staying in today to make some turkey soup out of our Thanksgiving turkey carcass. UMM! And then, four bean enchiladas with homemade enchilada sauce for dinner.


  1. Thank song for Living in the dark!!!!!

  2. I thought that you were having really cold weather! We're having snow showers; should have a whopping 2 inches when it is done. Due to the efficiency of Clarion County PennDot, roads are nasty (of course. State motto: Pennsylvania - No Winter Maintanance). Stay safe and warm. Love you.
