Thursday, December 17, 2009


Not much new today. Lots and lots of painting. I am almost finished painting the second floor of the annex and will move on to the first floor at some point tomorrow. It has been very warm (35 degrees), so Jeff and I are trying to get as much painting done as we can. I started the day off by shoveling out our wood supply. We haven't gotten much snow lately, so I thought it would take five minutes, max. Well, like I've mentioned millions of times before, the wind is always blowing the snow around. Translation: a foot of very heavy, very wet snow to shovel. Twenty minutes later I was sweating, and I hadn't even headed to work yet. So, I painted, and Jeff did man stuff. For the record, we are no longer brave enough to cut the corner on the lake for a short cut.

On our way back to the cabin for lunch, we found three male bighorn sheep grazing near Jeff's car. Not only do they like to lick his car, Jeff also parked the car on one of their favorite feeding grounds. Today I realized how happy I was not to have my car out here (my nice, shiny, new, still owe too much money on it, car). One of the males rammed Jeff's car right above the front passenger side wheel well. Luckily, Jeff's car (the exterior anyway) is not in the best shape. If it was my car sitting there, we would be having bighorn sheep for Christmas dinner.

Back to work after lunch. More painting. After work I played some serious DDR. I don't want to brag or anything, but I am getting kind of good. I will take challengers in the spring. We feasted on some bourbon chops (thanks Stace) and are happily watching football. Here's to next year Steelers.

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