Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Ski to Fishercap Lake

What an incredible day! When the sun came up this morning, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I ran out onto the lake in my slippers (it was 1 degree) to snap some pictures of the mountains as the sun came up. So amazing! Later, Jeff and I ate an early lunch and headed out on our skis. We just couldn't pass up such a beautiful day. We decided to ski out to Fishercap Lake. We saw five separate sets of wolverine tracks along the way as well as snowshoe hare and coyote tracks, and the tracks of a very busy little squirrell. We also saw a beautiful gray jay near the Swiftcurrent Motel. The view on the ski out to the lake was incredible, and it was only topped when we reached the lake itself. The snow on the mountains is such a perfect, untouched white. What a day! The temperature was only 9 degrees when we left, but it warmed up to the upper 30's in the sun. Plus, we had another day without an ounce of wind. I feel so lucky being able to see and experience this place in the solitude of winter! The ski back was so fun (it's mostly downhill) and took a fraction of the time it took to get there. We skied around the Swiftcurrent property to make sure everything was in order (and it was), and we even heard coyotes calling up on the side of Mt. Altyn. We are back home now, and I'm (sort of) busy working on those darn job applications.

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