Thursday, January 7, 2010

48 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

Yesterday was a nice, easy day for me. Jeff was still preparing rooms to paint, so I was off the hook when it came to working. I watched a little tv (yes Jimbo, I even watched part of The View) then got dressed to go outside. It was a beautiful day but very cold. I shoveled what little snow had accumulated along the house, then strapped on the snowshoes for a tour of the property. I headed up above the hotel to check out the view and the snow drift forming against the hotel. The drift is up above the first floor now. Also, the breezeway to the annex is socked in. I saw some bighorn sheep tracks but no actual wildlife. I didn't hang around too long on top of the hill since it was in the negatives, but I enjoyed the time I had up there. I headed back home, built a fire, and thawed out.
Jeff and I bottled our second batch of beer. It is a porter, and I'm super duper excited for it. It smells awesome. We should be enjoying the beer in two short weeks!
I've finally dug into the puzzles we have, so now there is no stopping me. It is way too addicting. I am also reading an interesting book called Indian Creek Chronicles (thank you stanger at Friedas for recommending it). It's about this kid from Milwaukee who ends up in school in Montana. Long story short, he lands a job living in a tent, forty miles from the nearest plowed road, alone and for seven cold winter months. It makes me appreciate my plush accomodations, that's for sure! Check it out. It's an interesting tale. It's by Peter Fromm.
Today was another beautiful day, but the wind really picked up in the afternoon. It started out at negative fifteen but warmed to the upper twenties. You would have never known it though because of the icy wind. Jeff and I got quite a bit of work done at the hotel today. Oh, and I counted the steps to the fourth floor. Fifty-eight glorious steps. Note: There is no sarcasm here. I am happy for the extra exercise!
We are settled back in at the cabin. I started a fire, but because of my lack of tending, it is lacking a flame. Bummer.


  1. Heidi / Jeff,
    Just want to say I stumbled onto your blog just today & read all of your posts! I love GNP and Many Glacier area is one of my favorites. Keep up the good work. You are doing what too many of us dream of and never have the guts to try.

    Best Regards From a New Fried in West Virginia,
    Jim Gillispie

    PS - My wife did her undergrad at Grove City.
    PSS - For the first time in 15 years I can say I am a Bengals fan out loud. That is till tomorrow - with the inept offense I doubt it will be a pleasant conversation topic long.

  2. Thanks for the support Jim! I'll just have to pretend I didn't read that part about being a Bengals fan. Hehe. Pass the blog along to anyone who might be interested.
