Friday, November 20, 2009

The Week Flew By!

Wow, this week just flew by! Tuesday was nice and warm. It reached 46 degrees. Unfortunately, it was a rainy and windy 46 degrees. I went over to the hotel in the afternoon to help Jeff. Jeff replaced some door jams, so we had to go around and putty in the holes and drill out that thingy that the doorknob clicks into. You're jealous aren't you!

Wednesday, it turned back into winter. I have only myself to blame. Tuesday, I was cursing the rain and said I would much rather have it snow. So it did! Jeff and I got some more wood chopped. I've had enough of this wood chopping thing! Jeff works four 10 hour days, so he only went in to work for a couple of hours. The rest of the day, we hung out inside. We watched a movie, then began our beer brewing task. It took a few hours to brew the beer, and now we have to let it sit for 3-5 days. Then, we have to do something else to it that I don't remember at this time. Eventually, we will bottle the beer, and it will sit for a number of days that I also don't remember at this time. Anyways, the point is that we should be drinking our beer around Christmas time. We hope. And, we hope it's drinkable! So we brewed our beer and played some cards. I finally beat Jeff! The end.

Thursday was a day from hell. Jeff began on his room list which consists of lots of PAINTING! I hate painting. I went over to help Jeff after lunch. He went around taping the places that needed painted, and I started painting. It wasn't so bad at first. Not until I got to the room with the bathroom that needed the ceiling in it painted. Have you ever painted a ceiling? It's horrible. My neck hurts, and I had to scrape paint off of my face last night. Not to mention there is an old bathtub that takes up most of the bathroom, so there I am, balancing on the edge of the bathtub, straining to paint the ceiling. Oh, and to top it off I have to go back today to do it again. One down, two hundred and some to go. YAY! Don't you wish you were me? I actually can't even complain. Look where I get to live all winter! So, after work Jeff and I tryed to scour ourselves clean. Then, Jeff made an awesome plate of nachos as a reward, and we relaxed the rest of the night.

Today, I am getting ready to head over to the hotel to help Jeff guessed it...PAINTING! I'll let you know how it goes. Oh and it warmed up again. 47 DEGREES! Can't the weather gods make up their mind.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Heidi and Jeff!
    I read whole your blog finnaly. Thank's for sending me link to e-mail :-)
    Everything sounds awesom and living in Many Glacier whole winter should be really nice!

    Good luck!

