Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thursday, John Waller, a wildlife biologist with the park came up here to talk about his research project that I will be helping him with this winter. John is mapping the wolverines in the area using genetic information he gathers from hair samples. We will start on the project sometime in January when the lakes begin to freeze over. Basically, John takes a wooden pole and screws a deer leg to the top of it. When the wolverine climbs up the pole to get at the deer leg, its hair gets caught in the brushes attached to the poles. That's where I come in. I will collect the hair from the brushes and send it to John.

Anyways, John and I went for a short hike to Lake Josephine to see some of the study sites. Before we even made it on the trail, we came across a pile of bear scat. John spent 5 minutes sorting through the poo, thinking out loud about what the bear ate. I guess thats how a wildlife biologist's mind works.

Friday, I baked my first round of bread. Man, that's a lot of work! I wouldn't call it a failure, but I wouldn't call it a complete success either. Better luck next time. Then, I played Dance, Dance Revolution for an hour. Finally, I can beat Jeff EVERY time! hehe. Jimbo showed up about 4 pm. We hung out, drank some beers, played some Dance, then Jeff and Jimbo played video games for hours, and I went to bed.

It snowed a lot last night and is still snowing today. I think Jimbo might have to stay forever. If so, we're going to run out of food by February.

Victor sent me these pics from when he came on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys,
    Think of you often, hope you're not too snowed in, let me know if you run out of food i'll send an emergency shipment asap. haha!
    love ya
