Happy St. Patty's Day!!! Skiing, baking, painting, hiking and fishing. That sums up the week of a lot of fun with new friends, and a little work as well. Last Wednesday Sumio and his wife Kumi came in for two nights and we had a great time, it was nice to finally meet Kumi. During the day while I worked they went out skiing and enjoying the windy, snowy weather. In the evenings we played Shanghai Rummy, Farkle and Pass The Pigs, all these games were new to them but they seemed to enjoy themselves and wrote down the rules to Shanghai before they left. Kumi brought some homemade raisin bread with her that was excellent, thank you Kumi. With the warm weather the road has been great for biking and Friday morning Sumio and Kumi hopped on their bikes and headed out. As they rode out they passed Megan and Dave who were headed in to stay one night. The wind was really whipping so Sumio and Kumi loved it while Megan and Dave were taking a beating. I came home from work to meet them at the cabin and we had some grub and relaxed a little while (not known to Megan) I waited for Ken to show up and surprise her. While we were waiting for Ken a couple of other groups came in on bikes to check out the area. When Ken arrived Megan happy to see him and so were Dave and I.WE all cruised out on Swiftcurrent Lake to get some ice fishing tips from Dave and he hauled in the first catches I have seen all winter, they were huge as the picture shows. :) We cooked some salmon that Dave had brought out and played cards while we made plans to ski to Cracker Lake the next day. We were up and out by 9am and we had fare weather so the day was looking good. The trail out to Cracker is just a little over 6 miles and we were hoping that we would have decent snow to ski on but the snow that we did have was hard and icy. We had plenty of laughs watching each other struggle over difficult terrain sliding and falling quite often. I am pretty sure that I have never fallen that many times doing anything else in my life, not even surfing. I now have multiple scrapes, bumps and bruises to show for 12 mile round trip journey. Along the way we saw many lion tracks on the first part of the trail and once we reached higher ground we saw an amazing amount of moose tracks and scat(poo). Once we reached the lake we tooled around on it a bit and headed back, but instead of taking the trail we decided to take the snowed over creek bed. We started out having so much fun because the terrain was similar to a massive half pipe and we were cruising. After a little while however we were dodging open water and bush whacking on skis which I do not recommend. WE got back to the cabin had some soup and much to their disappointment they had to ride 7 miles back out to the car. We did all agree that the trip was worth every second and I was very happy to finally see Mt Siyeh(10,014ft) from the bottom of the shear cliff face instead of the summit(I've climbed it twice). The plumbing was a challenge for all my guests but overall I feel that they really enjoyed themselves. The only thing that was a bummer was that we haven't seen any new bear tracks. Now that I am alone again I have FINISHED THE PAINTING!!!!!!!!! What a huge relief, now I can get on to some less monotonous work. I cruised out to get my mail yesterday and for the first time put some headphones on and just enjoyed the walk and scenery. I picked up a bicycle at Earl's house after I got to Babb and cruised to the Post Office. It was a bummer not to have any mail but it was nice to get out of the valley and stop at the Firehorse Cafe for a bite. I had a good meal but did not realize that they stopped taking credit 2 weeks prior so I officially have an IOU out there until I can get to an ATM. The ride in was a little windy but very enjoyable. Now I am just baking some goods and hoping to get away on an overnighter to Poia Lake this weekend.
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