Alright, I am going to take a stab at this blogging thing and I hope I can make it interesting. The last three guests(Heidi, Shayla and Jesse) left on Tuesday so the terrible plumbing here will get a much needed break. That afternoon I set out for the spot where the baby goat had fallen, I was very curious to see how long it takes the predators to get to the site. When I arrived there was not a thing, not even tracks.
My guests all brought a lot of food so I have been gorging myself on the fresh stuff and the leftovers so I don't waste anything. The home life this week has pretty much been eating and Olympics, but I step out to see the stars at least a couple times a night. Remember when you were a kid and you had little glow in the dark stars all over your ceiling, that is what the sky here is like. The stars just pop and seem so close, and the moon is amazing with how much it can illuminate the valley. The 28th is the next full moon so if anyone is thinking of visiting that would be the time.
On Wednesday I worked and then headed back out to the goat site. I had gotten a dusting of snow so it made the ski a little more pleasant. When I got within eye shot of the goat I could see some movement around it but had to use the binoculars to see that it was only two ravens. The ski back I was successful in staying on my feet the whole time, I think I might be getting this cross country thing down.
Today after the blah of prepping rooms I was leaving to head back to the goat and a helicopter buzzed right over the cabin. The intrusion was sending the sheep on the mountainside into a frenzied wave of a herd that flowed in arcing patterns. Park service told me that fish and game was out doing goat surveys and they forgot to let me know. I know that they saw me in my bright orange jacket on the lake and the least they could do to make up for all the noise was offer me a ride, don't ya think.
When I got to the edge of Lake Josephine there were already tracks all over the place, most were coyote but the 4 inches of snow that fell this morning covered up the rest pretty well. The goat was gone and where it was brought to the woods there were no drag marks in between. There was fur, some red kool-aid and a big pile of poo. I have no idea what made that poo but it had to be big and I couldn't find tracks among the mess of all the others. The ski back was beautiful and overall the day was amazing. There is a perfect stillness after a snowfall that is impossible to describe with words and pictures,but I hope you have all experienced it. I constantly have to just stop, look around and listen to remember why I am here. This place never fails to blow my mind.
P.S. sorry about the poo picture but I couldn't help it!
Hey Jeff, If you find poo in the woods you gotta post it. It's informative and curious minds want to know. Continue with the work and getting your exercise, x-country skiing will develop muscles you didn't know you had. Let me know all about the stars and creatures you find. Keep up the good work, keep blogging on, and I'll keep checking up on you. Todd from MA
ReplyDeleteYou should have tasted it to see what was in it. Yum Yum!